First Fox NFT Reveal! Welcome Captain Scarr

2 min readApr 3, 2022

HIDE YOUR CHICKENS!! Foxes are finally here!!

There are 5 different fox characters to collect. When opening a DCYourChicken Genesis 0 pack you will have a 10% chance of minting a fox. Foxes will have a much higher ROI compared with chickens AND also give you the chance to steal an NFT from its minter.

Now let me introduce you the first fox to be revealed from the DCYC Universe: Welcome Captain Scarr to the DCYC fam!

Captain Scarr is a Rare Fox NFT. You can identify rarity by the stone and outer border color (red color = rare nft). You will have a 3% chance of minting one of these when opening a Genesis 0 pack. So yes, foxes will be very rare but also will have a much better ROI than chickens. So if you are clever as a fox you will want to get some of those foxes early on!

And here some art process from sketch to final Captain Scarr.

How to Get You Hands on DCYC NFTs:

Join our discord community here now AND check there how to be whitelisted for the upcoming Premium Pass Sale. Only the people who are whitelisted from our community will have guaranteed access to the Genesis 0 pack sale.

You are still EARLY but don’t sleep on it, the first Premium Pass Sale will be very SOON! So join now our discord and get involved in the community to get whitelisted as soon as possible.

Want to know more about DCYC P2E Game? Check out our Whitepaper here!




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